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Building a Dream Playground in Fresno

Kaiser Permanente partnered with nonprofits KaBOOM! and Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministry (FIRM) to build a safe place for children to play.

In just six hours, about a hundred Kaiser Permanente employees and physicians joined with other community volunteers to build a playground in an underserved area of Fresno.  Kaiser Permanente funded the project and will also fund the building of two other playgrounds in Central Valley communities where safe places to play are desperately needed.


Community BenefitFresnovideo

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I grew up in the “housing projects” in Fresno. We were extremely poor and had very little to eat. One of my favorite dinners was “milk toast.” It was just that, toast in a bowl with sugar and milk. I did not know we were poor. This is most likely due to the fact that all our neighbors were poor, too. I must tell you that what saved me from the effects of poverty was the playground where I lived. To this day, when I go to a park, the first thing I do is head for the swings. I feel so free as I glide through the wind. Simple story, I know. However, I hope that it helps others understand that something as simple as providing a place to play can have a positive effect on a child. Kaiser Permanente: YOU ROCK!

  2. I’m a product of a low-income neighborhood, could have joined a gang or worse when I was a young boy … but instead there were places to play and places to de-stress, and I found baseball more worth my time. It’s a great thing to have a place to play, but it is a greater thing to pay it forward, especially to those who are experiencing great hardships. Thanks to the volunteers from Kaiser Permanente and many like it, other deserving kids get to have a smile. That makes it one of the BEST companies to work for in the Bay Area, and I’m thankful to say that I work here.

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