What do we do with the money we receive for providing care?
Provide Care & coverage to
Members in
Northern California
to medical
Operate our hospitals & medical offices
Pay, Hire & retain
a talented team of
health professionals
Pay Non-Kaiser Permanente
providers to Supply some
care & Services
Buy Rxs & medical supplies
Support our communities
to improve health
The remainder is our operating margin. This is what’s left over after paying the bills, as savings for future projects and needed investments. As a nonprofit we must invest all of our margin back into the organization, enabling us to keep our rates down and deliver high-quality, affordable health care services, and improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. Some important ways we invest our operating margin:
Investing in technologies & equipment to help transform our care
- telemedicine
- phone consults with our caregivers
- www.kp.org/online services
- mobile apps
- green and energy-efficient technologies
Covering the retirement & pensions of our employees
Updating existing equipment & buildings
Building new facilities to support
growing communities & membership &
to meet earthquake & Safety Standards
* Year-end 2013 results
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