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A snapshot of Kaiser Permanente’s community health work

The 2022 Community Health Snapshot illustrates the many ways Kaiser Permanente works to improve health outside our medical centers. Pictured, Rhonda Ramirez, RN, examines Karen Harrison at the Native American Health Center in Oakland.

As a nonprofit health care organization, improving health in the communities we serve is a critical part of our mission. The Kaiser Permanente Northern California 2022 Community Health Snapshot shows some of the many ways the organization works with community partners and our own employees and physicians to do that.

In 2022, Kaiser Permanente invested $1.1 billion to improve health in our Northern California communities. A significant part of that investment supported access to quality health care through our participation in the Medi-Cal program and our own Medical Financial Assistance for people in need.

We also invested in the health of underserved communities by supporting community hospitals and health centers. Amid a national shortage of mental health care providers, we supported programs to grow the mental health workforce and help meet the growing demand for mental health care in the community.

Because improving health takes more than high-quality care, we invested in community partners that work to address the many factors that affect health in the community. This includes access to nutritious food, affordable housing, and pathways to college, promising career paths, and well-paying jobs.

Kaiser Permanente also engaged its own employees and physicians in a variety of ways. Examples include volunteering to mentor first-generation college students, build affordable housing, and staff free surgery days for people in need.

You can learn more about how Kaiser Permanente is improving health in your community by going to the 2022 Community Health Snapshot and clicking on “Communities We Serve” in the menu.


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