I am the program manager for KP LAUNCH. I’ve always had an interest in youth programs and being a part of an environment that supports career development for young people.
My favorite memory from this summer centers around one of our interns who felt very hesitant to work in a professional environment. He was coming from fast food and retail jobs, and was nervous to work in an office setting — he was worried about how to dress and act. But we encouraged him to just give it a try. The next day he called and said he loved his internship. It’s supporting that kind of eye-opening experience that motivates me as an employee. It’s about exposing interns to something new and different and to encouraging them to ‘just give it a try.’
Kaiser Permanente is passionate about diversifying the future of health care and becoming the gateway that brings these interns into a professional environment. The program is experiencing a great amount of exposure — the interns are already telling their friends, and those friends are already reaching out to us about possibilities and opportunities. We’re that next step for many young people who are interested in exploring a career in health care, and I’m proud to be a part of that.