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Volunteers Deliver a Day of Service in Roseville

Kaiser Permanente Northern California employees in the Roseville area spent the Martin Luther King Jr., Day of Service at Seniors First at Manzanita Village, 1 of 4 projects in the area this year. Pictured above, Michelle Strouse, a Labor and Delivery manager at the Roseville Medical Center, left, helps Iris Mickelson, 92, during a buffet lunch served by Kaiser Permanente employees.

In Northern California 1,488 Kaiser Permanente employees volunteered at 27 sites. See pictures below of the 20 volunteers at Manzanita Village who prepared 300 gift bags for Placer County home-bound seniors, organized a bingo game and raffle, and served lunch. 

Kaiser Permanente MLK Day of Service 2020, Roseville, California

Kaiser Permanente MLK Day of Service 2020, Roseville, California
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Beth Montemayor, continuum administrator with Kaiser Permanente Northern California, left, helps load a few of the 300 Valentine’s Day snack bags that will go to Meals on Wheels recipients in Placer County. At right is Meals on Wheels Placer County Manager Ty Sanchez and in the background is Eileen Peterson, medical group consultant in the Sacramento Public Affairs Department of Kaiser Permanente.



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