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People of Pride

Over 200 Kaiser Permanente employees, physicians, family members, and friends took part in the Oakland Pride Parade and Festival September 8. Read their stories.

With boisterous cheers, music, and waving rainbow flags along Oakland’s Broadway, thousands attended the 10th anniversary of the Oakland Pride Parade on September 8. The joy radiating from those marching in the street was a true testament to Kaiser Permanente’s theme of this year’s parade: “Give Love. Take Pride.”

The Kaiser Permanente parade contingent this year included employees and physicians and kicked off with riveting speeches from Kaiser Permanente Northern California President Janet Liang and other leaders. Kaiser Permanente was the 2019 premier sponsor of the event, which included a lively street festival and children’s area, complete with a petting zoo and a face-painting station.

“The Pride Parade is a wonderful day for Kaiser Permanente to underscore our deep commitment to the LGBTQ+ communities we serve,” said Liang. “I am proud to be here today among our local community and the Kaiser Permanente contingent, promoting what the organization stands for: equity, diversity, and a culture of inclusion.”

Read the stories of why Kaiser Permanente employees and physicians marched in the 2019 Oakland Pride Parade in the photo gallery below.


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"I’m working with the Oakland Pride Parade because it’s an opportunity for me to be completely me, without any sort of judgement or pretense from anyone. I’m so grateful to be working for Kaiser Permanente, an organization that truly acknowledges diversity and empowers us to lead events such as our Pride Parades." — Chris Roa, program project coordinator, Care Delivery Technology Services



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