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New Drama Explores Teen Mental Wellness

A free Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre program for high school students examines mental health and stigma and is followed by a question and answer session.  Pictured from left to right are actors Eric Esquivel, Gisela Feied, Jamella Cross, and Matt Morishige.

Kaiser Permanente Northern California Educational Theatre debuted its new production, Ghosted, at Oakland High School on Monday, September 16. The show follows 4 students who reveal hard truths about their lives with a focus on mental wellness. The drama teaches students how to identify stress, anxiety, and depression, how to access resources for help, and defines healthy coping strategies to build resilience.

See photos of the show’s opening below.

Actors Gisela Feied, left and Eric Esquivel in the new production Ghosted performed at Oakland High School on Sept. 16.

Actors Gisela Feied, left and Eric Esquivel in the new production Ghosted performed at Oakland High School on Sept. 16.
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Syd, at left, is diagnosed with anxiety and Andre, at right, is dealing with depression in the new show.


behavioral healthdepressioneducational theatremental healthstigma

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I love the Educational Theatre program. Is it possible to have this program in the Terra Linda high school in Marin County.

  2. This is AWESOME!!! Does this show happen in the South Bay Area as well? There’s a lot of stress in the Silicon Valley with a lot of teen suicides due to heavy pressures of school and parents who are not home to help them learn to cope with daily life. I hope this talented group of actors/actress(es) do performances in the Santa Clara or South Bay Area.
    Is there a schedule that we can view?
    Thank you!

  3. I have loved our Educational Theatre program for decades. I hope teenagers these days are receptive to these important messages.

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