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Making COVID-19 vaccination easier in hard-hit communities

Kaiser Permanente funding supports COVID-19 vaccination education, outreach, clinics, and other innovative ways to get people vaccinated.

In the spring of this year, it became clear that while COVID-19 was disproportionately infecting and killing people of color, essential workers, and people with low-incomes, individuals in these communities were facing language, transportation, and other barriers to getting the lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine.

Kaiser Permanente, in partnership with its physicians, community and faith partners, and public health colleagues, created a comprehensive strategy to ensure that the communities hardest hit by the pandemic received reliable information from trusted sources and easy access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

This approach was supported by more than $10 million in grants and donations from Kaiser Permanente to 120 Northern California community organizations. Watch the video to see the funding in action.


community healthCOVID-19vaccine

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