When you think about what makes for a healthy community, creating jobs probably doesn’t come to mind first. But Kaiser Permanente, whose mission includes improving the health of its communities, knows that a community’s economic well-being is a key factor.
That’s why Kaiser Permanente has partnered with Inner City Capital Connections, a national nonprofit that helps small businesses — located in economically distressed areas — to create sustainable growth and good jobs. With Kaiser Permanente’s sponsorship, the nonprofit has offered its 40-hour executive education program in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Baltimore, and now in Sacramento.
Watch the short video above to see how Olivia Colt and her growing catering business benefited from the Inner City Capital Connections program in Oakland.
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Wow, by helping small businesses to thrive, communities and individual business owners and employees and their families can thrive. This video really summarized the wonderful ripple effect the Inner City Capital Connections program has on businesses, communities, and individual people’s lives.