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A Farmers Market on Wheels

Kaiser Permanente is a sponsor of the Freshest Cargo mobile farmers market because it brings fresh and healthy food to neighborhoods that need it.

When you think of the kind of food you might find on a food truck, kale, carrots, and strawberries probably don’t come to mind. But that’s what you’ll find onboard the Freshest Cargo truck. Freshest Cargo is a mobile farmers market that serves 12 Bay Area cities. It’s a program of the nonprofit Fresh Approach. Watch the short video above to learn how the mobile market is making it easier for residents to eat healthier.


This Post Has 15 Comments

    1. Hi, Sharon. The mobile farmers market is for neighborhoods with severe food droughts. Please connect with your local health education professionals and others to explore whether a farmers market can be restarted at your facility.

    1. Yes, we need something on the other side of those bridges. Adding both Vallejo (or the Industrial Park area in Benicia) and Fairfield would be nice to see.

  1. GOOD JOB, Kaiser Permanente, sponsoring the Freshest Cargo mobile farmers market.
    I think that’s a really wonderful move on your part to sponsor this, I hope you keep this going.

  2. I love it. That’s a beautiful thing. GOOD JOB, Kaiser Permanente, for sponsoring that truck..

  3. Fantastic! We all enjoy the stop at Richmond Medical Center, and seeing how enthusiastic the community is about having access. Thanks for covering this story!

  4. This is GREAT!! I am from Chicago and there was a truck like this there and it was well needed. Glad to see that it is in California.

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